Let’s Help You Make Your Educational And Work Dream Come Alive With Our Packages


Welcome to La Viv Travels Limited, we are your one stop agency for everything travel and oversea jobs.


We are passionate professionals that ensure we make your dream come to life.


As a way of adding values to the life of people all around the world we have partnered with a lot of agencies around the world to help you secure your educational and career goals.


Here are some of our packages that can help you get admission into a foreign university or secure a job.


Funded Scholarship to the USA

We have a package for a fully funded scholarship to the US for both undergraduates and PhDs.

Scholarship amount: Fully funded for undergraduates, $5,000 for masters and fully funded for PhD students.

Application deadline: November 30th for undergraduates, while the deadline is either December or January for masters and PhD, depending on your majors.


Study in Canada with Low Tuition fees

We have a package that can enable you study in Canada with tuition as low as $5000 to $10,000 per year with the following features:

Accommodation: Bedroom apartment of $400 approximately per month

Average restaurant meal: $10 to $25 per person

Movies: $8.50 to $13

Books and supplies: $1000 per year

Groceries: $ 150 to $200 per month


Study in a Low Tuition School in the USA

Our plan can allow you study in one of the best universities in the USA with low tuition fees.

As an applicant, you have 100% admission guaranteed, 100% Visa guaranteed, low cost of living, No TOEFL, No IELTS.

You can’t afford to miss this wonderful opportunity.


Study in your European dream country

La Viv Travels can enable you study in one of the top European schools for as low as 500 to 5000 Euro per semester.

You would enjoy a low cost of living, spending between just 500 to 800 Euro per month on rent, transport, feeding, travel etc.

Terms and conditions apply.


Direct Employment in Canada

We are offering applicants a direct 2 year Canada employment which is also renewable.

It comes with the following features:

Salary: $14 per hour after tax deductions.

Entertainment / recreation: $200.

Travel and events: $200 monthly

Accommodation: Furnished accommodation

Feeding: Free food, and lots more.

It takes about 3 to 5 months processing time and you get back 60% refund from your employers on reaching Canada.



Contact us for more details

4 thoughts on “Let’s Help You Make Your Educational And Work Dream Come Alive With Our Packages”

    1. Marvellous Kings

      Good morning Garba. Thank you for contacting us. Kindly message us through WhatsApp on 08093320000 for the scholarship procedures

  1. Elizabeth Nnedah

    how can i study in canada with a guaranteed scholarship scheme , a permanent visa and a furnished accommodation ?

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